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Indian hot meals for Warsaw’s poor and homeless

As the lockdown was announced in Poland the Indian Community in Poland  declared on social media that Indian restaurants joined the social action “Food for the Doctor” cooking and delivering meals to hospitals.

And it is not the only charity actions the Community launched in aim to share help and solidarity during the common  straggle against coronavirus. 

During the lockdown, the Warsaw SEVA Association , humanitarian project initiated  in 2017 by Charanjit ‘Toni’ Walia from India, provides meals for Warsaw’s poor and homeless. 

With the help of volunteers the Association extended its work and currently serves vegetarian Indian food six days per week in different parts of Warsaw. 

In the interview for The First News the founder of the Assosiation said that coronavirus could not force him to retreat, especially at time when more people face unemployment and lose their livelihoods. 

The poor aren’t just hungry on Saturday or Wednesday, they’re hungry throughout the week’: charity battles the virus to feed Warsaw’s hungry [11.04.2020]. 
Nikt nie powinien być głodny” – jak podróżnik z Indii pomaga ubogim w czasie pandemii, [10.04.2020].