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National coalition meeting Warsaw

How is Polish language learning organized for applicants for international protection and beneficiaries of international protection?  Does the access to language courses  differs during the application procedure for international protection, under  the Individual Integration Program, and after the program?

How to ensure continuity in the educational process between these stages? What are qualifications of Polish language tutors? What are the systemic challenges and barriers in access to learning Polish and what solutions in the field can be made? We have raised these and much more questions during the national coalition meeting  on September 26, 2019 with a group of various experts   interested and specialized in this area (from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Warsaw Family Assistance Center, Office for Foreigners, non-governmental organizations offering courses, organizations  of beneficiaries of international protection, University of Warsaw, UKSW).  It was the first of the meetings that  are planned aiming to consider how to elaborate an accurate Polish language learning system for people with international protection in Poland. Due to this,  we try to deepen our knowledge in one of the areas studied within the NIEM project. We also analyze the  experience of other NIEM  partner countries and  discuss the practices and solutions of other Visegrad countries.

