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Poland's Tri-City gives example of inclusive integrating solutions

‘Minimum Standards for the Integration of Immigrants’ - a catalog of necessary activities that will facilitate the inclusion of new residents in the local environment was announced 26 march 2020 at the European Solidarity Center.  

The document was elaborated by the Commission for Social and Economic Affairs of the Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area (OMG-GS). 

The authors of the standards highlight the list of priorities.  What should be ensured  is to:

•    Establish local teams for integration, consisting of people responsible for education, labour market, culture, social integration, social assistance, security, as well as leaders of immigrant communities
•    Organize Polish language classes for adults
•    Prepare schools for the reception of children with migration experience
•    Provide informative and  legal support and ensure better knowledge and understanding of polish law; 
•    Ensure safety of immigrants and provide  support in crisis situations

Tri-City is a metropolitan area in Poland consisting of three cities in Pomerania—Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot . Gdansk was the first city in Poland where the municipal authorities had noticed the importance and positive impact of inclusive and multicultural society and implemented the Model of Integration of Immigrants. Immigrant Council, an advisory body to the mayor, was appointed in aim to represent the interests and needs  of immigrants. 

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