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Evaluation 2. National Reports

Evaluation 2. National Reports

Comparative analysis of instruments supporting the integration of pupils under international protection in the educational systems of the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary

This study analyzes the educational situation of students with refugee experience in three countries: the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary. What is presented within its framework are the educational systems of individual countries in the scope of educating children under international protection and asylum seekers and the instruments supporting integration and educational policies of a given country towards the integration of this group of students. The main challenges faced by the educational systems of individual countries are also discussed and - due to the time of preparing this analysis – there is a description of the situation of students with refugee experience during the COVID-19 epidemic. The summary formulates the basic conclusions drawn from the comparison of the situation in the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary, along with recommendations for the educational policies of these countries.

The impact of coronavirus country measures on asylum and reception systems in Hungary, Slovakia and Poland.

The current analysis focuses on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and measures the national governments implemented with the aim to manage the health crisis on asylum and reception systems in Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. The authors provide an overview of the countries’ asylum and reception systems and their functioning under the general COVID-19 preventive epidemiological measures. Due to the dynamic changes related to epidemiological situations in selected countries, the current analysis relates to the period from March 2020 until July 2021. While the crisis situation was present in Autumn 2021, awareness of systemic challenges and inequalities is important in order to maintain procedural guarantees during the asylum procedure, provide appropriate solutions and safeguard the wellbeing of asylum seekers in the region.

The uneven legal and policy framework facing persons with humanitarian status in Europe: Current gaps and possible solutions for improving integration policies

This report presents key 2019 data as they are reflected in the scored outcome of research conducted in the 10 assessed countries; shows general results regarding legal and policy indicators pointing out the main trends and weakness across all the countries; presents in detail key results in three macro-dimensions analysed (legal-status integration, socio economic and socio cultural integration).

Europe’s patchwork of refugee integration policies: The EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion as an instrument to address deficiencies Linking NIEM results to EU action 2021 to 2027

This MPG policy brief investigates to what extent the refugee integration policies analysed in NIEM are in line with the principles, values, and objectives of the EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027). Policymakers and stakeholders may identify areas in which the EU Action Plan can help to address policy gaps and needs. Using NIEM results can also help to assess the success of the Action Plan in the coming years. Specific recommendations to the European Commission and Member States suggest how to foster the implementation of the Action Plan and make it more effective.

NIEM policy briefs

NIEM policy briefs

The ten analyses, written by experts and professional partners of the Menedék Association, provide a detailed overview of the social integration of beneficiaries of international protection living in Hungary, as well as the situation in specific policy areas, and formulate policy recommendations. The analyses have been produced within the framework of the V4NIEM sub-project of our National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) project.

Европейска оценка на интеграцията на бежанците: Оценка 1: Изчерпателен доклад Сравнителен анализ на Националния механизъм за оценка на интеграцията в 14 страни на ЕС

Housing Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic

This publication, prepared in the framework of the V4NIEM project by authors from Czech and Slovak Republic, gives a glimpse into the workings of national housing support mechanisms for beneficiaries of international protection in both countries. It elaborates on the advantages as well as systemic shortcomings of each country’s mechanism, describing not only the particulars of targeted and mainstream support, but also the wider challenges of systemic housing issues. 

The role of local governments in the integration of refugees in the V4 countries

This analysis, developed in the framework of the V4NIEM project by authors from all four countries, endeavors to give an overview of the possibilities and limitations of local authorities in the topic of the integration of beneficiaries of international protection . It continues the comparative approach set by the project’s previous publication, “Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection in V4 Countries (Updated Report)”, issued in 2019.  The focus is on local level policies related to beneficiaries of international protection. The “local” level is understood, most importantly, as municipal administration (LAU), however, reflections about the regional levels (NUTS2 and NUTS3) are also added where relevant.