9th Coalition Meeting in Tessaloniki/Greece “Managing Controversy and Multiculturalism in the Greek educational system"
ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence organized the 9th Coalition Meeting of the National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism (ΝΙΕΜ)’ with the title “Managing Controversy and Multiculturalism in the Greek educational system”.
NIEM Project is aiming at measuring, evaluating and monitoring the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in 16 European countries. After a country based research, ANTIGONE conducted a National Report for the Greek Integration policies in various fields. In this particular coalition meeting, the focus was in the Report’s outcomes related to the educational system. More light was given to concrete aspects of the relevant processes and content from official representatives of state as well as experts and educators from different parts of Greece.
The Coalition meeting was a joint activity with the Final Conference of “MICRON! Managing Issues of Controversy by human Rights education”, another ANTIGONE’s project funded by the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO)”. Educational stakeholders, school directors and teachers participated in the Conference representing Thessaloniki and Northern Greece as well as Ioannina, Patra, Heraklion, Lesvos and Chios islands. Participant teachers presented their school projects on managing controversy by human rights education while they had the opportunity to meet, discuss common aims and worries as well as set the basis for further collaboration and exchange.
The meeting took place in Thessaloniki on Saturday March 30th 2019, 10.00-14.30 at Oikopolis Social Centre.
NIEM Project is aiming at measuring, evaluating and monitoring the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in 16 European countries. After a country based research, ANTIGONE conducted a National Report for the Greek Integration policies in various fields. In this particular coalition meeting, the focus was in the Report’s outcomes related to the educational system. More light was given to concrete aspects of the relevant processes and content from official representatives of state as well as experts and educators from different parts of Greece.
The Coalition meeting was a joint activity with the Final Conference of “MICRON! Managing Issues of Controversy by human Rights education”, another ANTIGONE’s project funded by the European Union/Council of Europe Joint Programme “Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO)”. Educational stakeholders, school directors and teachers participated in the Conference representing Thessaloniki and Northern Greece as well as Ioannina, Patra, Heraklion, Lesvos and Chios islands. Participant teachers presented their school projects on managing controversy by human rights education while they had the opportunity to meet, discuss common aims and worries as well as set the basis for further collaboration and exchange.
The meeting took place in Thessaloniki on Saturday March 30th 2019, 10.00-14.30 at Oikopolis Social Centre.