Appeal to the Polish Authorities to evacuate children from the Moria camp
“Every day, various European countries take action in this matter. Germany accepts over 1750 people, mainly children, France - 50 children, Great Britain - 47 children, some with parents, Portugal - 25 children, Finland - 24 children, Switzerland - 23 children, Belgium - 18 children, Italy - 4 families with children , Luxembourg - 12 children.
Germany, France, Norway, also Lithuania, Slovenia and many other countries have declared further evacuations of people in the most difficult situation. This list is growing all the time.Why is Poland not among them?”
The Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw supports the APPEAL TO THE POLISH AUTHORITIES TO EVACUATE CHILDREN FROM THE MORIA CAMP initiated by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation. Together with other humans rights and migrant organisations in Poland we demand the authorities to take responsibility and immediately admit unaccompanied migrants from the Moria camp.
You can read the appeal here:
Warsaw, September 16, 2020
Dear Sir or Madam
Andrzej Duda, President of the Republic of Poland,
Mateusz Morawiecki, President of the Council of Ministers,
Elżbieta Witek, Madam Speaker of the Sejm,
Tomasz Grodzki, Marshal of the Senate,
Members of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and Senators,
Presidents and Presidents of the Signatory Cities of the Declaration on the cooperation of the Cities of the Union of Polish Metropolises in the field of migration:
Tadeusz Truskolaski, Mayor of the City of Białystok,
Rafał Bruski, Mayor of the City of Bydgoszcz,
Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Mayor of the City of Gdańsk,
Jacek Majchrowski, Mayor of the City of Krakow,
Krzysztof Żuk, Mayor of the City of Lublin,
Hanna Zdanowska, Mayor of the City of Łódź,
Jacek Jaśkowiak, Mayor of the City of Poznań,
Tadeusz Ferenc, Mayor of the City of Rzeszów,
Piotr Krzystek, the President of the City of Szczecin,
Rafał Trzaskowski, President of the City of Warsaw Warsaw,
Jacek Sutryk, Mayor of Wrocław
Dear Sir or Madam,
We do not express concern.
We are not asking for consideration.
We don't even pay attention to an important point.
We demand that you behave humanly when representing us, Polish citizens.
More days have passed since the fire at the Moria refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos. The media familiarizes us with the sight of children sleeping on the pavements, people occupying the squares and women wandering around the site of the fire.
Thirteen thousand people lost their last belongings and a poor roof over their heads.
We demand that the authorities of our country behave responsibly and mature. We demand that at least a group of the most deprived be admitted immediately - for example, unaccompanied children. We do not agree with Poland remaining in the group of countries indifferent to the tragedy of tens of thousands of people.
Poland experienced the war on its own many times. Our grandparents and great-grandparents, grandmothers and great-grandmothers wandered around foreign countries, saw fire sites in Poland, and often slept under the open sky about hunger. A few weeks ago, we remembered Warsaw in ruins. How is it possible that today - as a country - we are so insensitive?
Helping is not naive. Supporting refugees and women refugees is not a sign of beautiful spirituality. After all, our ancestors were in this place, we should know it best!
As a country, we have resources to help at least some of those who suffered in Moria. We have a source of knowledge on how to organize it - for example the experience of the humanitarian corridors of the Sant'Egidio community. You can organize a mission to Lesbos, choose those in need and give them the support they need - it is possible. The United Nations High Representative for Refugees (UNHCR) can assist in this process.
We know how to organize the admission of refugees and refugees, how to support the process of their integration - Polish institutions can provide experience in this area: the Office for Foreigners, Poviat Family Assistance Centers (in Warsaw, Lublin, Białystok), the Gdańsk City Council, as well as - from the highest willingness - each of the undersigned social organizations. We do not lack competence.
Every day, various European countries take action in this matter. Germany accepts over 1750 people, mainly children, France - 50 children, Great Britain - 47 children, some with parents, Portugal - 25 children, Finland - 24 children, Switzerland - 23 children, Belgium - 18 children, Italy - 4 families with children , Luxembourg - 12 children.
Germany, France, Norway, also Lithuania, Slovenia and many other countries have declared further evacuations of people in the most difficult situation. This list is growing all the time.
Why is Poland not among them?
Now is the time when you, as leaders and leaders of a large country in the middle of Europe, can behave decently - this is what we appeal to you.
What is holding you back, ruling the country?
On behalf of the following organizations,
Agnieszka Kosowicz
President of the Polish Migration Forum Foundation
Signatories of the letter:
Amnesty International
Legal Aid Center Halina Nieć
Multicultural Center in Warsaw
Center for Support of Immigrants and Immigrants
Bread and salt
Horizons Center for Intercultural Initiatives
Open House
Children from the Brest Railway Station
Autonomia Foundation
Bezlik Foundation
Foundation Center for Migration Research
Foundation for Somalia
Foundation for Freedom
Education-Equality-Activity-Dialog-Era Dialogu Foundation
Feminoteka Foundation
Humanity in Action Polska Foundation
Other Space Foundation
Wandering Women Foundation
The Nice People Foundation
Foundation for Diversity Polistrefa
Foundation for Social Diversity
Our Choice Foundation
Civic Perspective Foundation
The Salvation Foundation
The Open Ideas Foundation
Polish Hospitality Foundation
The Polish Migration Forum Foundation
Common Space Foundation
SocLab Foundation
Shipyard Foundation
The Hope Project Polska Foundation
Ukraine Foundation
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights
Humans for Aleppo group
We help in sport
"Save the children of Moria" initiative
Institute for the Rule of Law
Islamist Blog
Club of Catholic Intelligentsia Warsaw
Koszalin Association of Local Activity Era Kobiet
Poznań Garażówka
FeelChoice project
Multikulti project
RATS Agency
Editors of the magazine "Kontakt. Ungrounded magazine"
Refocus Media Lab
Rethinking Refugees - Knowledge and Action
Social Education Monitor
Association "Never Again"
Association for Earth
Homo Faber Association
Association for Legal Intervention
Congress of Women Association
Equality Culture Association
Better World Association
Love Association does not exclude
NOMADA Association
Association against Antisemitism and Xenophobia Open Republic
Vox Humana Association
Society for Anti-Discrimination Education
The appeal was also supported by:
Polish Humanitarian Action
Institute of Public Affairs
Foundation Zustricz
Centre for Women's Rights Foundation
Centre for Women's Rights in Lodz
Go'n'Act Foundation
Jacek Kuroń Foundation for Education
Project "Migrant - a person just like you"
Initiative "Welcome to Cracov"
Inspiration for Change Foundation
Common Space Foundation
World at your Fingertips Foundation
Education in Action