Bulgaria starts to develop its first Refugee Integration Manifesto in the NIEM framework
On 30 November 2021, the Bulgarian NIEM partners – Multi Kulti Collective and Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants with the strategic partnership of UNHCR Bulgaria – kick-started the co-creation of the country’s first Refugee Integration Manifesto.
The National Refugee Integration Forum held in Sofia marked the beginning of a 6-month inclusive and collaborative process which aims at developing an innovative programming document. It will be used as a main advocacy tool at the national level. All relevant stakeholders, including refugees themselves, will be invited to participate through a series of expert meetings, as well as online consultations.The Refugee Integration Manifesto will cover all main aspects of refugee integration which are grouped in four areas, in line with the NIEM project methodology:
1. General conditions
a. Impact of reception on integration
b. Mainstreaming and integration governance
2. Legal integration
a. Residency
b. Family unity and reunification
c. Access to effective nationality
3. Socio-economic integration
a. Housing
b. Employment
c. Vocational training and employment-related education
d. Health
e. Public relief and social security
4. Socio-cultural integration
a. Children’s education
b. Language learning and social orientation
c. Building bridges and fostering participation
The Refugee Integration Manifesto is expected to be ready in May 2022.