Coalition meeting Italy
On 24 November 2020 Fondazione ISMU held the Coalition Meeting on the Decree 130/2020: the permit to stay and the international protection.
From the meeting with various professionals in the migration sector, it clearly emerged that the new formulation of the permit for special protection has great potential from an application point of view. The new decree does not restore humanitarian protection, repealed by the security decree, but typifies - together with the new and wider formulations of the permit for medical treatment and natural disasters - specific cases of granting protection to those who have positively developed on the territory private, social and family ties. The reference to art. 8 of the ECHR enhances elements such as private and family life, work, the length of stay in the territory, the evaluation comparison between the country of origin and the host country. A positive factor of the legislative modification is the codification of these elements while previously they were present in an interpretative way in humanitarian protection. This generates a reduction in administrative discretion in issuing the permit, which has often been a problem due to the territorial fragmentation of the Commissions, and appears to be a positive element in the effective recognition of protection status.