Collaboration with academic institutions in the field of asylum and refugees. Practical dimensions
On 22 January 2020 Multi Kulti Collective and Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants with the partnership of UNHCR Bulgaria organized a coalition meeting "Collaboration with academic institutions in the field of asylum and refugees. Practical dimensions" in Sofia.
Vanya Ivanova, PhD, presented her new research "Mapping of Collaboration Opportunities with Academic Institutions in the Area of Refugees and Asylum" which was commissioned by UNHCR. More than 30 participants exchanged practices and ideas and made concrete plans for future initiatives.
During the event an Academic Portal on forced migration and refugees was launched, as an innovative online tool for networking, cooperation and resource sharing among the academic stakeholders. The portal is available online at
The event was organized in the framework of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) project, co-financed through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.
Vanya Ivanova, PhD, presented her new research "Mapping of Collaboration Opportunities with Academic Institutions in the Area of Refugees and Asylum" which was commissioned by UNHCR. More than 30 participants exchanged practices and ideas and made concrete plans for future initiatives.
During the event an Academic Portal on forced migration and refugees was launched, as an innovative online tool for networking, cooperation and resource sharing among the academic stakeholders. The portal is available online at
The event was organized in the framework of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) project, co-financed through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.