Greece: 15th NIEM coalition meeting: “Refugees and pandemic through the eyes of the media”.
On 4th of March 2021, “ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non -Violence” (ANTIGONE) successfully organized the 15th NIEM coalition meeting of the project “National Integration Evaluation Mechanism” (NIEM).
The meeting’s topic was: “Refugees and pandemic through the eyes of the media”. The meeting was held in an online format via the zoom platform and gathered around 80 participants.
At the beginning of the meeting a very short presentation showed the most important points of NIEM national report. Then, several presentations followed by journalists stating their personal experiences and facts gathered during field work with refugees during the pandemic. At the end of the meetings some refugees that participated and followed the presentations shared their stories, followed by an open discussion.
The presentations were as follows:
"Presentation of the national report NIEM" (speaker: Mrs. Vasiliki Karzi, lawyer, external associate of "ANTIGONE")
"The Refugee Crisis during the pandemic through the media" (speaker: Mr. Pavlos Nerantzis, journalist, documentary producer, coordinator of the "Eidomeni Map Network")
"Refugees, pandemic in Greece and foreign media" (speaker: Mr. Alexandros Avramidis, photojournalist, Reuters contributor)
"Refugees and migrants facing the pandemic on the streets of big cities" (speaker: Mr. Antonis Repanas, journalist