Health care system for the beneficiaries of international protection in Italy
Friday 14th of February 2020, ISMU held a coalition meeting by focusing the attention on the access to the health care system for the beneficiaries of international protection.
National stakeholders, practitioners, medical doctors, psychiatrists and local authorities shared ideas and experiences for improving their daily job and guaranteeing a better reception for this specific target group (but for migrants in general).
The main recommendation outcoming from the meeting was the necessity to provide new types of training to the Italian medical staff and to the practitioners. Actually, it is important to spread a new awareness regarding this target group because beneficiaries of international protection have specific needs due to the particular experience they went through. A cure based on ethnic principles is the best way to meet the patients’ needs and to reach efficient results. At a practical level, who works with and for people holding an international protection status need to develop new competencies and to be provided with information regarding the cultures of these patients and the paths migrants have run across to arrive in Italy.
As pinpointed on several occasions, the integration of migrants (in general) needs of welcoming societies. Only developing mutual knowledge and trust, the goal to include people coming from other Countries can be successfully reached.
Marina D'Odorico
ISMU Foundation