Interpreting data gaps in the study of the social integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary – Summary
What do we know about beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary? The 168-item NIEM indicator system provides a comprehensive picture of the state of refugee integration in Europe. Overall, in Hungary, no information is available on nearly a quarter of the indicators.
There is particularly little data related to:- family reunification and citizenship procedures,
- employment,
- housing,
- health.
There is no data because:
- certain data types are not registered at all,
- low sample size (due to protection against disclosure, data will not be published so that individuals cannot be identified),
- a lot of data is put on paper during the legal procedure, but then they are only stored in the public administration subsystems without being processed.
If we want to better understand the situation of persons granted international protection in Hungary, it would be necessary to:
- examine the topic through targeted research projects involving the relevant municipalities,
- collection, analysis and publication of existing but unprocessed data by government agencies,
- the establishment of a statistical population register, taking into account the specific characteristics of beneficiaries of international protection.
Full policy brief in English version is available here.