On June 20 – the World Refugee Day – we invite you to the conference in Brussels summarizing the NIEM project!
Since 2016, the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) has provided evidence on the quality of refugee integration policies in 14 countries and a roadmap for governments to improve the framework in place. Against the backdrop of the most recent comparative research results and the current refugee situation in Europe, the conference will discuss ways to achieve equally high integration standards across the EU, models for the involvement of refugees and integration stakeholders in policymaking, as well as challenges and solutions in key dimensions of integration.
Please register for the event!
10:30-10:40 | Welcome & Introduction Ali Al-Jaberi, Moderator & Jacek Kucharczyk, President, Institute of Public Affairs, Warsaw |
10:40-11:10 |
Refugee integration in 14 NIEM countries: the state of play Alexander Wolffhardt, Carmine Conte & Sinem Yilmaz, Migration Policy Group, Brussels Q&A audience |
11:10-12:15 |
Lifting standards, closing the gaps The Common European Asylum System is hampered by widely diverging integration standards across the EU, as made abundantly clear in the NIEM research. This panel will discuss options for achieving the same high levels of integration support for beneficiaries of international protection in all member states. Luca Barani, Policy Officer, Unit Legal Pathways and Integration, European Commission, DG Migration and Home Affairs Begüm Dereli, Project Officer, European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) Sophie Magennis, Head of the Policy and Legal Support Unit, UNHCR Regional Representative for EU Affairs in Brussel Janina Ochojska, Member of the European Parliament Q&A audience |
12:15-13:15 | Lunch break |
13:15-14:25 |
Thematic sessions: Comparative results, good practices & policy challenges Three parallel, interactive sessions will discuss good practices and policy needs against the background of comparative European findings. Conference participants are invited to engage with NIEM research partners on key challenges, possible solutions and experiences in a cross-country perspective.
14:25-14:40 | Break |
14:40-15:50 |
Towards participatory refugee integration policy making In most countries, integration policy making suffers from insufficient involvement of the beneficiaries of these policies and other (civil society, local authorities, etc.) stakeholders. This panel will highlight models and experiences among NIEM countries on how to achieve a more inclusive approach to developing, implementing and evaluating integration policies. NIEM partners & beneficiaries of international protection from
Q&A audience |
15:50-16:00 |
Wrap-up & closing of the conference |
Please register for the event!