Over 2 million of refugees in Poland: the help should not be ad hoc but systemic
UN estimates that over three million people, mostly women and children, have been forced to flee Ukraine since the conflict began. Furthermore, over two million Ukrainians have been internally displaced. The majority of forced migrants find refuge in neighbouring countries (Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova).
Meanwhile, Poland, which already before the invasions had one of the largest in EU Ukrainian communities, has taken over already 2 million of refugees . The first challenge for the government was to ensure efficient registration, reception and assistance to newcomers. Since the first days of war, new reception points have been created at Polish-Ukrainian border in Lubelskie and Podkarpackie voivodships. For the current moment, already 28 reception centres are operating all over the country . Local governments and social organisations cooperate in aim to coordinate humanitarian help and take the greatest efforts to support and cover basic needs of refugees. According to the Warsaw city hall data, approx. 300 thousand new residents arrived to the capital , over 5 thousand private citizens shared their flats or rooms welcoming refugees. Municipal information points have been established at all city district offices, social organizations and diasporas provide a wide range of services providing legal consultations, psychological support, help in finding a place to live and work. The city hall of Krakow also alarms about the challenges that emerge due to massive increase in arrivals to the city. It has been estimated that about 80-100 thousand people from Ukraine already came to Krakow within first weeks of war. According to experts, local governments spent almost PLN 15 million out of the PLN 19 million crisis reserve.Sources
Three million people have fled Ukraine due to "senseless war," U.N. says
Już blisko 2 mln uchodźców z Ukrainy w Polsce. Liczba mieszkańców Warszawy wzrosła o 17 proc
Lista punktów recepcyjnych przy granicy polsko-ukraińskiej dla uchodźców z Ukrainy
Warszawa przygotowuje się do nadawania numerów PESEL uchodźcom
Punkty informacyjne dla obywateli Ukrainy
W Krakowie coraz mniej miejsc dla uchodźców