Project news
NIEM national conference in Gdańsk. On June 27, the NIEM national conference took place at the European Solidarity Center in Gdańsk, summarising the six-year research project. The representative of UNHCR in Poland, representatives of municipal institutions and social organizations, and members of the NIEM research team participated in the event. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 16 June, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and the Multi-Culti Collective, in partnership with the UNHCR Representation in Bulgaria, held a final conference on the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) project. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On June 9, 2022, the European Commission Representation in Poland hosted a conference promoting the publication of the second national NIEM report for Poland. The event was frequented by representatives of NGOs, academia, local institutions and the general public. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Panel discussion in Brussels: Ukrainian refugees in Poland, Hungary and Romania. On June 20, the World Refugee Day, after the NIEM partnership conference in Brussels, the Institute of Public affairs and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union organised a panel debate to discuss the experiences of Poland, Hungary & Romania in hosting and integrating the newly arriving refugees from Ukraine. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NIEM partnership conference in Brussels. On June 20, to mark World Refugee Day, the NIEM partnership organized the conference “Refugee integration in the EU - What next? European Conference on monitoring and improving policies” in Brussels. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On June 14, 2022, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, in partnership with the UNHCR and the Multi-Culti Collective, held a meeting on advocacy for refugee integration in Bulgaria. The meeting was attended by representatives of NGOs, the Council of Ministers, local authorities, and the academic community. more>> |
On 2 June 2022, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, the UNHCR Representation in Bulgaria and the Sofia Development Association organised an Information Session on Integration of Refugees from Ukraine on the Territory of Sofia Municipality. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Slovenia: Are we an inclusive society? On 24 May 2022, an event in Cukrarna in Ljubljana was held, in which we asked ourselves whether we are an inclusive society, what integration is and how we (mis)understand it, what opportunities for (successful) integration the state provides to refugees and other immigrants, which are the biggest challenges and obstacles that hinder the integration of immigrants in Slovenia more >>> |
Slovenia – third National Report. We are pleased to present the third National Report on Slovenia's implementation of different areas of integration policy for beneficiaries of international protection. The research, carried out in 2020 and 2021, comprised more than 180 indicators aimed at diagnosing the current situation in the field of integration of refugees in Slovenia. more>> |
In May 2022, Ismu organised two coalition meetings to implement its communication activities. Indeed, one of the project’s actions refers to the creation of infographics to spread information on integration paths in Italy. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Romania: launch of the NIEM report and national conference on integration On 8 June 2022, in Bucharest, the Centre for Public Innovation - NIEM partner in Romania - presented the most recent results of the NIEM research. The NIEM national event was part of a two-day conference of the Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees - the platform created and supported in the framework of the NIEM project. The conference was organized under the name „Together after the pandemic and the war”. more>> |
Evaluating the national policies on integration of beneficiaries of international protection România. English Summary more>>> and National Report (Romanian) more>> |
On June 20 – the World Refugee Day – we invite you to the conference in Brussels summarizing the NIEM project! Since 2016, the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) has provided evidence on the quality of refugee integration policies in 14 countries and a roadmap for governments to improve the framework in place. Against the backdrop of the most recent comparative research results and the current refugee situation in Europe, the conference will discuss ways to achieve equally high integration standards across the EU, models for the involvement of refugees and integration stakeholders in policymaking, as well as challenges and solutions in key dimensions of integration more>>> |
Published today, NIEM’s latest report reveals wide-ranging data gaps in refugee integration across Europe. The report is based on the availability of data across 14 EU countries and 12 dimensions (e.g., housing, employment, education etc). more>> |
On behalf of Diversity Development Group we would like to invite you to the regional seminar “Responses to the influx of the irregular migration across the border of Belarus: challenges and lessons learnt”. The seminar will be held in hybrid format (face-to-face and online) and will take place on 13th of May 2022, between 13:00-16:00 Vilnius time. The seminar will be held in English more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NIEM publishes third comparative report, revealing stagnation—and backsliding—of refugee integration frameworks. NIEM has published its third comparative report, revealing how many countries are poorly prepared in terms of their long-term refugee integration frameworks, including those countries neighbouring Ukraine who have recently welcomed large numbers of refugees more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lithuania – presentation of the National Report 2022. On 7 April 2022, the Diversity Development Group organized presentation of the “NIEM Lithuanian National Report 2022”. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Housing policy analysis and proposal for the improvement of the housing of beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary - Summary more>> |
Refugee women in Grecce. ANTIGONE Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence (Greece) - 31 March 2022: 21st Coalition meeting of the NIEM alliance Read event report >>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
In 2019, one third of the first-time applicants for refugee status in Hungary were of higher education age, i.e. between 18 and 35 years of age, and one tenth were of secondary school age (i.e. between 14 and 17 years of age). For them, access to higher education could become a long-term integration strategy in Hungary. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Romania - Advocacy work in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. CDMiR is the Coalition for the Rights of Migrants and Refugees (Coaliția pentru Drepturile Migranților și Refugiaților), the national coalition supported in the framework of the NIEM project. There are 23 member organizations, NGOs and research institutes. From the very first day of the Russian invasion, the CDMiR members have actively participated in the humanitarian aid to the Ukrainian refugees in Romania. more>> |
Grecce: Discussing about integration: The importance of traditions of religious practices ANTIGONE Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence (Greece) - 31 March 2022: 22 meeting of the NIEM alliance read report >>> |
NIEM Sweden.Migration seminar - National Integration Evaluation Mechanisms: Ways forward. Malmö University invite to the seminar on Thursday 17 March. In the seminar, we present the final Swedish National Report 2021 followed by a panel discussion with invited guests commenting on ways forward and which areas that are in need of more attention in practice and research. more>> |
Greece: NIEM 20th coalition meeting. The multiple aspects of the multiform phenomenon of Social Integration of Refugees and Asylum aplicants: the health and housing deminsions. more>> |
Bulgaria: national coalition meeting “NGO Development for Refugee-Led Organizations in Support of Refugee Integration” As part of its effort to support refugee-led initiatives working on refugee integration, on 9 January 2022, the NIEM team from Bulgaria organized a national coalition meeting “NGO Development for Refugee-Led Organizations in Support of Refugee Integration”. It was held in Sofia and it was organized by Multi Kulti Collective, Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and UNHCR. more>> |
Access to healthcare for beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary – analysis and recommendations – Summary more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NIEM Sweden was featured in Mötesplats Social Innovation’s story series more>> |
Integration is a two-way process that requires effort from both the individual and the host society. After all, it seems in vain for people to be ready to integrate if the receiving environment does not support them in this. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
National coalition meeting “Empowering Refugee-Led Organizations to Support Refugee Integration in Bulgaria” The NIEM project in Bulgaria has focused on supporting refugee-led initiatives which support refugee integration. Therefore, on 8 January 2022, a national coalition meeting “Empowering Refugee-Led Organizations to Support Refugee Integration in Bulgaria” took place in Sofia. The event was organized by Multi Kulti Collective, Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and UNHCR. more>> |
Vulnerability and discrimination in the employment of beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary - Summary For refugees, employment is the driving force for integration. The Hungarian labour market is protected by law and the literal text of these legal regulations is not discriminatory for beneficiaries of international protection. However, equal rights do not mean equal opportunities! more>> |
Effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the labour market situation of beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary - Summary Until the beginning of 2020, most beneficiaries of international protection could find employment due to labour shortages, but they were particularly hit by the economic recession caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, as many of them had been employed in sectors vulnerables to the lockdown situation, e.g. catering or tourism. more>> |
Interpreting data gaps in the study of the social integration of beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary – Summary. What do we know about beneficiaries of international protection in Hungary? The 168-item NIEM indicator system provides a comprehensive picture of the state of refugee integration in Europe. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 29 November 2021, "ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Center for Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence" (ANTIGONE) organized the 19th meeting of the alliance within the project "National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM)". The topic of the event was: "The absence of integration infrastructure in the Greek region (islands and inland)". more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NIEM’s indicators, which focus on “building bridges,” that is, the relationship between beneficiaries of international protection or other immigrant backgrounds and local society, focus primarily on national, institution-building processes. As in Hungary, at the governmental level, these processes are often difficult to reconcile with the objectives of the European Union, the role of local initiatives and grassroots non-governmental organizations is particularly important. more>> |
Menedék - Hungarian Association for Migrants held a hybrid conference on 29 November 2021. Presenters sought answers to questions such as: what characterizes the chances of integration of international protection beneficiaries in Hungary? What are the processes that can be identified concerning the labour market, education, housing and healthcare services in Hungary? Compared to other European countries, how inclusive is Hungary? more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Resources and strategies for the successful social integration of muslim women granted international protection in Hungary - Summary more>> |
Grecce:The 18th coalition meeting took place online from 18:00 to 20:00 on 22/11/2021, via the Zoom platform. The meeting was planned with the participation of its male and female guest speakers in the process of its organization from the very beginning. The topic of the meeting was first discussed within Antigone's responsible team and then with persons working in the refugee field as well as with refugees. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Poland: 3rd Refugee Council meeting within NIEM and V4NIEM organized by IPA On Tuesday, 23rd November the Institute of Public Affairs held the third online meeting with the Refugee Council formed within the framework of NIEM and V4NIEM project, co–funded by the International Visegrad Fund. more>> |
The Italian National Report is out! In the framework of the NIEM project, ISMU drew up the Italian national report focusing on the policies and the practices implemented to integrate the beneficiaries of international protection (henceforth BIPs). A specific insight regarded access to the housing system. more>> |
14th NIEM coalition meeting - Lithuania. On 30th of March 2021 Diversity Development Group held 14th NIEM coalition meeting. Title of the meeting was “Lithuanian migration and refugee policy: where are we and where are we going?”more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 4th of March 2021, “ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non -Violence” (ANTIGONE) successfully organized the 15th NIEM coalition meeting of the project “National Integration Evaluation Mechanism” (NIEM). more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NIEM Latvia coalition meeting October 26th. On October 26th think tank PROVIDUS organised a national coalition meeting with partners in order to address the emerging issue of Belarus’ political crisis and the increasing number of Belarussians requesting asylum in Latvia. more>>> |
Bulgaria: SOS – Be informed! An information material on the prevention and symptoms of COVID-19. On 10 March 2021, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and Multi Kulti Collective presented the online publication SOS – Be informed! more>> |
On 30th of March 2021 the Diversity Development Group in the format of 14th NIEM coalition meeting is organizing a discussion “Lithuanian migration and refugee policy: where are we and where are we going?”. more>> |
NIEM Sweden: 12th Coalition meeting. On March 25th, the workshop by the Collaborative Future Making Platform at Malmö University: How can we imagine a future for integration? more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The second meeting of the Refugee Council within NIEM/V4NIEM On Tuesday, 9th March 2021 the members of Migration Policy Programme from the Institute of Public Affairs held the second online meeting with the Refugee Council formed within the framework of NIEM/V4NIEM project. more>> |
In 2020, the think tank PROVIDUS organised four national coalition meetings as part of the NIEM research project with the aim of highlighting certain integration policy issues and seeking shared positions to advocate on a political level. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bulgaria – Compass for Refugees. On 17 February 2021, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and Multi Kulti Collective launched a Compass for Refugees, gathering in one place the information resources for the integration of refugees, as well as providing an opportunity for online consultation. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20.01/2021 NIEM presented in the Bulgarian Academic Bulletin “Refugees: Today and Tomorrow” (5/2020) more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 16 December 2020 the CIDOB Barcelona organized an online expert debate regarding the impact of COVID-19 on migrants and refugees. more>> |
NIEM Sweden coalition meeting On the 17th of December, NIEM Sweden held the 11th coalition meeting. The purpose was to gather practitioners and academics for a coalition meeting in sharing experiences and exchanging ideas and information about current initiatives that we are working on more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On December 17, 2020 Institute of Public Affairs held an online meeting "Law and practice: how is refugee different from migration by choice?" with the participation of experts from IPA, Ewa Kownacka, Kseniya Homel and Piotr Kaźmierkiewicz, and Thomas Huddleston - the expert of Migration Policy Group from Belgium. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14th NIEM coalition meeting - Greece “ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non -Violence” (ANTIGONE) on the 14th of December 2020 successfully realized the 14th NIEM coalition meeting that was a round table against discrimination. more>> |
On 24 November 2020 Fondazione ISMU held the Coalition Meeting on the Decree 130/2020: the permit to stay and the international protection. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lithuania 13th coalition meeting. On 19th of November 2020 the Diversity Development Group had the 13th coalition meeting for the project “National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism” (NIEM). The meeting was held online. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 18 November 2020, UNHCR, Bulgarian Council for Refugees and Migrants and Multi Kulti Collective organized a national forum "Protection and Integration of Refugees in the Context of COVID-19" in Sofia. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On Thursday 22nd of October 2020, “ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace, and Non-Violence” (ANTIGONE) realized the 13th coalition meeting for the project “National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism” (NIEM). The topic of the meeting was “Pandemic and Refugees” more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
10.11.20. The “Evaluation 2” stage of the project is approaching! On 6 November 2020 the NIEM partnership gathered online to discuss the timeline and methodology of upcoming round of evaluation. more>> |
31.10.20. National Coalition meeting “Bulgarian as a Foreign Language in a Pandemic. Communication and integration of refugees and migrants” more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Refugee Council for the project NIEM was established in Warsaw. 20.10.2020 the team form the Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw met with activists and community leaders with experience of the forced migration to discuss plans for further work. more>> |
"Partnership for Refugee Integration”: coalition meeting in Bulgaria On 21 October 2020, UNHCR, Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, Sofia Development Association and Multi Kulti Collective organized a coalition meeting "Partnership for Refugee Integration" in Sofia. more>> |
France terre d’asile webinar : “The evolution of refugee integration policies between 2017 and 2019” On September 29th 2020, France terre d’asile held a webinar as part of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) project on the evolution of refugee integration policies between 2017 and 2019. more>> |
In July 2020, the Association of Teachers of Bulgarian as a Foreign Language (ATBFL) was established in Sofia. The idea for the establishment of such association was born during the coalition meetings on the Bulgarian language training of refugees organized within the implementation of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism Project (NIEM), where the Bulgarian Refugee Council on Refugees and Migrants and Multi Kulti are national partners. more>> |
On September 21, the Institute of Public Affairs - IPA held a coalition meeting on the Relevant system of learning of the Polish language for people with granted international protection and asylum seekers gathering experts, advisors, practitioners and methodologists with diversifies experience in this topic.more >>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 17 September 2020, UNHCR, Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and Multi Kulti Collective organized a coalition meeting "Civil Society Structures for the Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria" in Haskovo. Presentations were given by UNHCR, Bulgarian Red Cross, Caritas Sofia, Mission Wings, Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, Open Space, Refugee Council at UNHCR, Refugee Council at Mission Wings, PhD Vanya Ivanova and Multi Kulti Collective. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
We are proud to share that the Women on the Road Foundation (Fundacja Kobiety Wędrowne) from Gdańsk, nominated by the Institute of Public Affairs, is among seven laureates for nomination “Stories from the lockdown”, 2020 year's Civic Pride Award - initiative of the European Civic Forum. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The European benchmark for refugee integration: Are EU countries improving their policies? Findings of the new NIEM report The new NIEM Comprehensive European Report has assessed the refugee integration framework of 14 EU member states as of 2019, using 120 indicators and scoring country results on a scale from 0 to 100. In a Q&A with the coordinating researchers of the project, Carmine Conte and Alexander Wolffhardt from the Migration Policy Group explain the key lessons from the first evaluation study. more>> |
National coalition meeting in Lithuania On 9th of July 2020 Diversity development Group had the 13th coalition meeting. During the meeting preliminary results of Lithuanian National report were presented by dr. Giedre Blazyte and discussed with participating stake holders. more>>> |
NIEM Latvia Coalition Meeting. World Refugee day. To mark the World Refugee day, the think tank “PROVIDUS” organised the second coalition meeting of the year within the international research project National Integration Evaluation Mechanism or NIEM, informing the partners about the latest developments and conclusions regarding the reception and integration of beneficiaries of international protection. more>>> |
On 25th of June, 2020, “ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Center on Racism, Ecology, Peace, and Non-Violence” (ANTIGONE) organized the 12th coalition meeting for the project “National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism” (NIEM). more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 23 June, the Peace Institute organized a national coalition meeting with women refugees and asylum seekers and a few “sister” NGOs which are very engaged in working with refugees. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 6 March 2020 Multi Kulti Collective and Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants with the partnership of UNHCR Bulgaria organized a coalition meeting "Refugee housing: good practices, challenges and opportunities for local authorities" in Sofia. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2-3 of March 2020 representatives from 13 countries of NIEM’s partnership - Lithuania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Romania, Spain, Poland, France, Greece, the Netherland, Hungary, Czechia, Latvia and Sweden - met in Paris in the headcounter of the France Terre d'Asile, our partner from France. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Friday 14th of February 2020, ISMU held a coalition meeting by focusing the attention on the access to the health care system for the beneficiaries of international protection more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 February 2020 - NIEM national coalition meeting - Teachers Association of Bulgarian as a Foreign Language: Opportunities and Next Steps. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
January 23, 2020. During the webinar “Migration as a global challenge: trends and public policies for Mexico and the European Union" Francesco Pasetti, NIEM’s expert and researcher at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs), presented NIEM’s project and discussed the role of the European Union in addressing the challenges of migration integration internationally. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On January 21, 2020 the Peace Institute held an event on at the EU House in Ljubljana as part of the NIEM - National Integration Evaluation Mechanism project. During the conference experts presented the latest data and information in this area for Slovenia, and a fellow from the Migration Policy Group from Brussels shared the results of a comparative study for 14 EU countries. more>>> |
On 22 January 2020 Multi Kulti Collective and Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants with the partnership of UNHCR Bulgaria organized a coalition meeting "Collaboration with academic institutions in the field of asylum and refugees. Practical dimensions" in Sofia. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 16th of December 2019 “ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace, and Non- Violence” (ANTIGONE) organized and successfully implemented the National Meeting for 2019, which was a round table discussion, within the frame of the Project National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) under the AMIF Fund. more >>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13 December 2019 Fondazione ISMU organized the Coalition Meeting. The man topic of lively discussions was housing , one of core pillars of integration politics. Participants discussed the affordability of housing, challenges and needs faced by the beneficiaries of international protection, who are leaving the reception program SIPROIMI (System of Protection for Beneficiaries of International Protection and Unaccompanied Minors, Sistema di Protezione per Titolari di Protezione Internazionale e Minori stranieri non Accompagnati) |
On December 3 and 4, 2019, relevant actors in the field of integration of foreigners in Romania met in Bucharest to build a common vision. More than 60 participants were present: representatives of civil society, public institutions, universities and international institutions. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
“Where does Sweden stand today? Results from NIEM project” comparing the Netherlands and Sweden - results from the NIEM project were presented on the 6th of November during the conference in Gothenburg “Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies”. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 31 October 2019, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and the Multi Kulti Collective, in a partnership with the UNHCR Bulgaria, held a coalition meeting on “Media and Integration of Refugees”. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28th October 2019, the international conference Differences that Matter. International Conference on Measuring Refugee Integration took place in Budapest. What integration mechanisms are implemented and used in practice in EU member counties? Do the implemented policies meet the needs of beneficiaries of international protection? How practical integration solutions can be used to improve the situation of forced migrants? These and other questions were raised during the conference. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
05.11.2019 NIEM was presented at the national experts’ meeting in relation to the establishing of the The Migrational Analytical Center (MCA) in the Office for Foreigners in Warsaw. The Migration Analytical Center is a part of a joint project of the Visegrad Group (V4) and will provide a platform for cooperation of experts from public administration and research centers in purpose to exchange the experience, knowledge, newest data, examples of good practices and actions implemented in the field of migration in the Visegrad Group countries in order to develop an effective crisis response mechanism and strengthen stability in the Central European region. |
On the 22 October 2019 PROVIDUS held the conference The 5-year lessons of managing asylum in Europe: How to implement a successful integration strategy within the framework of AMIF project “NIEM: Measuring and Improving Integration of Beneficiaries of International Protection”. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On 24 October 2019 2019 together with Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and UNHCR Bulgaria we organised a coalition meeting "Bulgarian language training and literacy for adult refugees in Bulgaria". 22 participants coming from various ministries, agencies, international organizations, NGOs, schools and universities learned about the practices in Central and Eastern Europe and Bulgaria. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On October 13th 2019, a parliamentary election will take place in Poland. What can we expect in terms of migration and integration politics? NIEM's experts from IPA joined MamPrawoWiedziec.Pl ( initiative, which provides online interactive tool to check candidates views on diverse issues, based on their replies in the online questionnaire. Due to the initiative voters can get acquainted and compare the views and goals of future parliamentarians on key state policies more>>> |
04.10.2019 ISMU hosted a roundtable of NIEM project, presenting the new report of The National Integration Evaluation Mechanism which aims to prepare key actors to better face the current challenges and improve the integration outcomes of beneficiaries of international protection more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
03.10.2019 Representatives of public authorities, local and central, and of civil society organizations, as well as other specialists and practitioners, gathered in Bucharest to debate the role of local authorities and multi-stakeholders cooperation at local level for the management of migration, and for the successful inclusion of migrants and refugees. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
26.09.2019 National coalition meeting Warsaw. The first of the meetings that are planned aiming to consider how to elaborate an accurate Polish language learning system for people with international protection in Poland. more >>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
18.09.2019. The Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, in partnership with the UNHCR Bulgaria and Мулти култи // Multi Kulti, held a Coalition meeting “Bulgarian Academia in Support to Refugee Integration: Ideas and Initiatives in the New Academic Year”. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
On July 5, 2019, PROVIDUS, NIEM’s partner from Latvia, held a national coalition meeting. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Celebrating the World Refugee Day, ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence organized the 11th Coalition Meeting of the National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism (ΝΙΕΜ)’ with the title “The many faces of refugee”. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
05.07.2019: Webinar: ‘The European benchmark for refugee integration’project. Lead researches presented key comparative findings and discussed the impact of the results on future national coalition advocacy activities for improved refugee integration. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02.07.2019: The comparative report launched among EC officers. The project partners: Migration Policy Group (MPG, Belgium), leading organization of the project research along with the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA, Poland) and France Terre d’Asile (FTDA, France), presented comparative results from the newest project baseline comparative study “The European benchmark for refugee integration: A comparative analysis of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism in 14 EU countries”. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
28.06.2019: The number of people in V4 with international protection has been stagnating. What has significantly decreased, is the amount of asylum applications, mainly in Poland and Hungary. These and other results are provided in national reports about the asylum seekers and BIPs in the V4 countries, published by People in Need in cooperation with NGOs in Hungary (Menedék), Poland (IPA) and in Slovakia (Marginal). Reports also present information about public attitudes towards refugees and migrants, levels of public awareness or available integration mechanisms for the integration of BIPs. more>>> |
19.06.2019: ‘The European benchmark for refugee integration’, the new baseline report of the NIEM project, is a first comprehensive analysis of the framework in place in 14 EU countries. In this webinar on 5 July 2019 at 11h00 Brussels time NIEM’s lead researchers will present key comparative findings. more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
19.06.2019: NIEM baseline study “The European benchmark for refugee integration: A comparative analysis of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism in 14 EU countries” more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
30.03. 2019,Tessaloniki/Greece: ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence organized the 9th Coalition Meeting of the National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism (ΝΙΕΜ)’ with the title “Managing Controversy and Multiculturalism in the Greek educational system”. more>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
05.03.2019, Madrid, Is Spain on the front line of reception and integration? The Spanish asylum system within the EU framework more>>> | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
02.0.2019, Mytilene/Greece, ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence organized the 8th Coalition Meeting of the National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism (ΝΙΕΜ)’ with the title “Integration & Education in Greece: way-out or dead-end?” more>> |
On the 27th of February, Malmö University hosted the second coalition meeting inviting representatives from different civil society organizations to discuss the role of civil society in integration in Sweden. more >>> |
17. 12.18, Tessaloniki, Greece “ANTIGONE - Information and Documentation Centre on Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non Violence” organised the 17th National Round Table against discriminations, an institution that is successfully held for the last seventeen years. The round table was also the 7th National Coalition Meeting of the ‘National Integration and Evaluation Mechanism (ΝΙΕΜ)’ Project. more>>> |
On December 13, 2017, the Peace Institute, NIEM’s partner from Slovenia, held a national coalition meeting. It was attended by thirteen representatives of the Government Office for Care and Integration of Migrants, Employment Office, civil society organizations, social services and adult education centres. more >>> |
On 6 December 2018, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants, Multi Kulti Collective and the UNHCR Bulgaria organized a NIEM national coalition meeting in a format of an Intercultural Evening “A Vision for Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria”. more>> |
26.11.2018, Bucharest, Romania, The Center for Public Innovation, and its partners from the Coalition for Integration of Migrants and Refugees, presented the draft results of the NIEM nationonal report on Romania. more>> |
20.10.2018, Thessaloniki, NIEM 6th Coalition Meeting in Greece In accordance to the NIEM coalition lines, ANTIGONE invited local, as well as regional stakeholders from the refugee intervention field. What is more, beneficiaries of international protection, activists and volunteers active on both Greece and other European countries (Spain, Italy, Kroatia and Germany) were invited and, thus, participated in the discussion, contributing their valuable point of view. more >>> |
16.10.2018 7th coalition meeting focused on on the topic of integration of Vietnamese in Czechia The People in Need in cooperation with Viet up organized an all-day coalition meeting on the topic of integration of Vietnamese in Czechia. more>> |
29.05.18 Ljubljana, National Coalition Meeting in Slovenia The Peace Institute (Ljubljana, Slovenia) in cooperation with the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Ljubljana held a national coalition meeting titled »Intercultural Contacts in the Field of Health« more >>> |
10.05.2018 Warsaw, National Coalition Meeting in Poland. IPA organized a coalition meeting with representatives of various Polish ministries and other public institutions more >>> |
13.03.2018 Warsaw, the debate: "Bridges and footbridges: the role of local government and local communities in the adaptation of foreigners" more >>> |
On the 27th of February, Malmö University hosted the second coalition meeting inviting representatives from different civil society organizations to discuss the role of civil society in integration in Sweden. more >>> |
On 14-15 February 2018 the Institute of Public Affairs organized in Warsaw the first international partners’ meeting within the framework of the NIEM project. more >>> |
15.12.2017 MAASTRICHT NETHERLANDS// The NIEM Netherlands team held an integration discussion evening in Maastricht. The event was organized in cooperation with the Refugee Project Maastricht NGO and was designed to bring together refugees and asylum-seekers in Maastricht to talk about what integration means in practice to them. more >>> |
On December 13, 2017, the Peace Institute, NIEM’s partner from Slovenia, held a national coalition meeting. It was attended by thirteen representatives of the Government Office for Care and Integration of Migrants, Employment Office, civil society organizations, social services and adult education centres. more >>> |
13.11.2017 WARSAW, POLAND // Towards the new impetus. Meeting of the Polish Coalition working in the area of migration and asylum “The NIEM project has enormous potential to bring positive change to the process of integration of asylum seekers in European countries, but to achieve their full potential, the project’s activities have to be accurately tailored to different national contexts” states one of the main conclusions of the NIEM Polish coalition meeting that took place on 13 November in Warsaw. more >>> |
5.05.2017 MILAN, ITALY // The first National Coalition Meeting in Italy. The first National Coalition Meeting in Italy was organized in Milan by the Ismu Foundation. The main objective of the meeting was to present NIEM. It was also an occasion for incentivizing networking through discussions on the key challenges faced by operators and beneficiaries during the integration processes. more >>> |
15.11.2017 BUKAREST, ROMANIA // Improving access of foreign doctors on the Romanian labour market In Romania, physicians coming from third countries can exercise their profession only if they are married to Romanian/EU citizen or if they hold a long-term residence permit in Romania/other EU country. This topic was discussed at round table organized on 26th October in Bucharest by the Coalition for Migrants and Refugees Rights (CDMiR) established as part of the NIEM pr |
2.02.2017 BULGARIA // NIEM Second National Coalition Meeting in Bulgaria. On February 2nd 2017, Multi Kulti Collective and the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants organized the NIEM Second National Coalition Meeting in the format of an intercultural evening: “The integration of migrants and refugees – innovative practices”. The event was organized in partnership with the Center for European, Refugee, Migrant and Ethnic Studies within the New Bulgarian University. more>> |
31.01.2017 POLAND // Changes in the Law on Granting Protection to Foreigners in Poland. The new Amendments to the Law on Protection proposed on the 31st of January will change dramatically the process of applying for asylum in Poland. more>> |
25.01.2017 ROMANIA // Understanding the NIEM indicators in the Romanian context On January 25th, the Center for Public Innovation in Romania held the first national coalition preparatory meeting for the NIEM project. The event was organized with support from the UNHCR Romania and was hosted at the UN House in Bucharest. The idea behind the event was to present the research done on behalf of the NIEM project to the representatives of the NGOs within the field of migration and integration in order to receive feedback on the work done thus far. more>> |
13.12.2016 BULGARIA // NIEM First National Coalition Meeting in Bulgaria. On 13 December 2016, Multi Kulti Collective and the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants organized the first NIEM meeting with participants from different stakeholders relevant to refugee integration in Bulgaria. more>> |
15.12.2016 HUNGARY/// Coalition meeting in Budapest. On 15 December 2016, Menedék Association participated in the fifth information-sharing and coordination meeting organized by UNHCR's Regional Representation. The aim of the coordination meeting was to exchange information on refugee and migration developments in Hungary and Central Europe. more>> |
7.10.2016 WARSAW // Local Responses to Refugee Crisis - Initial Reception and Integration. Dutch and Polish Experiences. Investing in integration today, will contribute to making Europe a more prosperous, cohesive and inclusive society in the long term - that was the main concept of the conference Local Responses to the Refugee Crisis: Initial Reception and Integration – Dutch and Polish Experiences which was held in the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the 7th of October 2016. more>> |