Reform proposal of the Asylum Law in Spain what is proposed?
The Office for Asylum and Refugees (OAR) in Spain stated that there were 120. 000 pending asylum applications.
Pushed by challenges related to migration management and reception procedures, the Spanish government is working on a proposal for the reform of asylum law. The European Council on Refugees and Exiles comments the propositions of novelization.The new law is expected to facilitate and speed up administrative procedures and also to include some of the EU’s legislation measures.
Following other EU member states, Spain will incorporate and rely upon the notion of ‘safe country’. According to this concept “protection can be denied if certain areas in the country of origin are considered safe or if people had their habitual residence in a country considered ‘safe’”.
Moreover the new law will include further limits to access administrative procedures and it will extend the grounds for refusal of applications for protection. For example it will provide imposition of deadline for the new asylum application within 30 days, otherwise the application becomes inadmissible. Even more severe restrictions will be applied to foreigners staying in detention centres, who will have to submit asylum application within 10 days.
Reinforcement of external borders is strongly re-stated in political discourse: Fernando Grande-Marlaska, Spanish Minister of Interior, confirmed plans to increase the height of the border fence to Morocco by up to 30%.
Spanish NGOs warn against the violations of the rights for protection and the risks that migrants would face if these measures would be put into practice.
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