Refugee news
28.06.22 Poor conditions in refugee camps as an obstacle to the social integration of beneficiaries of international protection. In the last months of 2022 it has become clear that the problems that have arisen in the refugee camps under the responsibility of the government, instead of being solved, seem to be getting worse. This is a process of intensifying impoverishment of the refugees who have remained in Greece, which started years ago and concerns all the areas of their lives. more>> |
21.06.22 Greece: ‘ADAMA’- A social inclusion centre that helps refugees become self-sufficient. Refugees and asylum seekers in Greece can now receive practical help, counselling and support for their integration into the Greek labour market through an Integration Centre in Athens, operated by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and Caritas Hellas, with the support of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. more>> |
10.05.22 The right of free access to the Greek National Health System for refugees from Ukraine. According to a circular of the Ministry of Health issued on 28/3/2022, all Ukrainian citizens, who were forced to leave their country due to the war that had broken out after the Russian invasion, have free access to the Greek National Health System (NHS). more>> |
09.05.22 The EU-funded Sustainable Practices of Integration (SprINg) project. The project aims at making integration policies at national, regional and local levels more effective, evidence-based, innovative, transferable and sustainable. more>> |
08.05.22 Frontex – Fabrice Leggeri resigns as a consequence of OLAF investigation and journalistic consortium report. On April 28, 2022, the Head of the Frontex (European Border and Coast Guard Agency) Fabrice Leggeri resigned. It was the result of two investigations: the OLAF anti-fraud investigation and reports on human rights violations published by a consortium of journalists more>> |
28.04.22 The end of the "ESTIA" housing programme for asylum seekers. Significant negative change in the area of social integration of asylum seekers through housing took place on 23/2/2022. In a solemn announcement, citing "improved refugee management", on 23/2/2022 the Ministry of Immigration announced that from 16 April 2022 the ESTIA II housing programme for vulnerable refugees who have been granted asylum will be reduced, due to improved immigration management, with the prospect of closing the programme by the end of this year. more>> |
21.04.22 Legal situation at Polish-Belarusian border: court verdict in the case of push-backs and arrests of activists. On March 28, 2022 the District Court in Bielsk Podlaski, VII Local Criminal Division in Hajnówka, ruled that three Afghans who had crossed the Polish-Belarusian border in August 2021 had been illegally detained by the Border Guard It was the first time such a decision was rendered. On its basis, refugees may seek compensation. more>> |
21.04.22 War in Ukraine: organizations highlight the possible increase of human trafficking and the objectification of women. The war in Ukraine, which has been ongoing since February 24, has already forced more than 4 million Ukrainians to leave the country, mainly women and children. This group is particularly vulnerable to human trafficking. After crossing the border, refugees are tired, hungry, confused and often do not know the language of the country they reached. more>> |
20.04.22 Poland: Local help for refugees from Ukraine – the case of Lublin. More than 2 million refugees have arrived in Poland since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine [1]. Responsibility for helping Ukrainians fleeing the war fell on the bottom-up initiatives coordinated by private entities, NGOs and local governments. more>> |
22.03.22 An overview of the situation of new closed structures for asylum seekers in Greece. There is no doubt that the situation prevailing in the reception areas of asylum seekers upon their arrival to a given country affects their capacity for social inclusion. In Greece in 2021, a stable and rapid replacement of open structures by closed structures began, with the aim of discouraging the arrival of new asylum seekers more>> 21.03.22 Over 2 million of refugees in Poland: the help should not be ad hoc but systemic. UN estimates that over three million people, mostly women and children, have been forced to flee Ukraine since the conflict began. Furthermore, over two million Ukrainians have been internally displaced. The majority of forced migrants find refuge in neighbouring countries (Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary and Moldova). more>> 20.03.22 French government releases priorities for 2022 regarding integration policy for newly arrived foreigners, including refugees. In an instruction issued on January 25 2022, the Minister of the Interior communicated to regions' and departments' Prefects the main guidelines regarding the integration policy for newly arrived foreigners, including beneficiaries of international protection (BIPs), for the year 2022. more>> 14.03.22 UE introduces the mechanism of temporary protection for people fleeing war in Ukraine. Over 3 million people have already fled from Ukraine following Russia’s military invasion on 24 February. In response to the large-scale migration, on 4 March 2022, the Council of the European Union adopted an implementing decision introducing temporary protection, which became effective in all member states. more>> |
28.02.22 Romanian civil society is ready to help Ukrainian refugees. The war in Ukraine, following the Russian aggression, has triggered a new wave of refugees in Europe. Romania, one of the countries bordering Ukraine, is offering humanitarian assistance to all refugees coming at its borders. The civil society has mobilized to support. more>> |
28.02.22 Conditions in centres for foreigners inhumane, says Ombudsman and NGOs. The Ombudsman, humanitarian organizations and activists have raised their grave concerns about the very bad situation in guarded centres for foreigners. Prof. Marcin Wiącek, the Ombudsman, warns that foreigners - including families with children - are too often placed in closed centres, where conditions are sometimes worse than in prisons. Explanatory proceedings in cases of children whose mental health deteriorated sharply after being placed in guarded centres to such an extent that hospitalization was necessary are being carried out. more>> |
25.02.22 Poland violates European Law. The Association for Legal Intervention files a complaint to the European Commission. The Association of Legal Intervention , a civil society organisation whose statutory objective is to take steps aimed at ensuring that human rights are respected and that no individual is treated unequally, disregard of their nationality, ethnicity, religion and migration status, has filed a formal complaint to the European Commission against Poland's violation of European Union law in connection with inhuman treatment of refugees, degrading conditions in guarded centres for foreigners and illegal push-backs of refugees on the Polish-Belarusian border. more>> |
09.01.22 New Afghan refugees at universities in Poland. Since late autumn 2021 some initiatives aiming at integrating persons evacuated from Afghanistan to Poland through inclusion into higher education system have taken place. The coordinating efforts also have been made creating the common Initiative for Students from Afghanistan. more>> |
18.01.22 Hungary: missed opportunities for multilevel cooperation. NIEM experts recognise the weak position of local governments in migration and integration policy-making processes, nevertheless the frameworks of cooperation among central and local authorities have been already established. The main barrier for efficient contribution of Hungarian municipalities remain in political unwillingness and anti-immigration discourse of the central government. more>> |
17.01.22 President Andrzej Duda has signed the novelisation of the act on foreigners. Polish authorities once again novelised regulations related to legalisation of stay and work of foreign citizens in Poland. On January 4, 2022 President Andrzej Duda approved amendments to the law on foreigners passed by parliament on December 17, 2021. more>> 16.01.22 Greece's new National Strategy for the Integration of Asylum Seekers published in December 2021. Greece's new National Strategy for the Integration of Asylum Seekers and International Protection Beneficiaries was published on 1 December 2021. The document is based on the EU New Action Plan (24/11/2020) and adopts the European Commission's recommendations for social inclusion, with emphasis on early action and the pre-integration process for those with a refugee profile. more>> |
23.12.21 The validity of stay during the COVID-19 pandemic: solutions implemented by Poland, Hungary and Slovakia. During the COVID-19 pandemic national states elaborated legal solutions to extend the validity of residents’ permits, identity and travel documents. Nevertheless, the research team noticed significant differences in approaches of national stakeholders to different statuses of migrants (for example, asylum seekers) and beneficiaries of international protection. more>> |
23.12.21 How the COVID-19 pandemic affected reception system in Poland, Hungary and Slovakia? Facing the rapid spread of the disease, national authorities were responsible for ensuring safe conditions to the residents of reception, accommodation and detention centres. Although asylum seekers have been subject to the same rules and restrictions as nationals, which included, for example, curfews, restricted mobility, obligatory quarantine or testing etc, additional instructions on hygiene and restrictions have been implemented in reception and detention centres. more>> |
22.12.21 COVID-19 emergency measures in reception system: obligatory quarantine in Visegrad states Since the beginning of coronavirus pandemic, compulsory 14-day quarantine was introduced by Visegrad states for all those returning from abroad, including applicants for international protection. more>> |
22.12.21 Vaccination against COVID-19 of refugees and asylum seekers in V4 states. In response to coronavirus pandemic national states initiated national vaccination programmes. The importance to increase herd immunity brought to light the state of health care of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. more>> |
21.12.21 Restricting access to asylum: “statement of intent” procedure in Hungary. The spread of coronavirus around the world affected the way national governments manage immigration. Hungry is among the states, which used health crisis to limit cross-border mobility and to strengthen anti-migrant and anti-refugee discourse. more>> |
16.12.21 Social support, healthcare, education and language: the role of local gover-ments in Slovakia. The role of local governments in the integration of forced migrants in Slovakia is embedded in a dual system of public administration. On the one hand, the framework of migration and integration policies is defined by the state administration and, on the other hand, autonomous regional and local self-governments are actively involved in elaboration and implementation of social policies at the local level. more>> |
14.12.21. Municipalities and integration. Good practices from Czechia. Municipalities play a considerable role in ensuring economic and social integration of migrants and refugees in EU countries. Although it is possible to state that the social integration of beneficiaries of international protection (BIPs) has not been a traditional item on the social policy agenda of the Visegrad countries, Czechia is an exception. The country follows multilevel and multidimensional approach to integration with a significant role of local stakeholders. more>> |
12.12.21. Towards systematic approach in integration: city strategies in Poland. Although the social diversity of cities and towns increases due to migration processes, the share of people with granted refugee or subsidiary protection in Poland remains low. more>> |
08.12.21 Poland: New Law on Border Security Management. On Tuesday, November 30, President Andrzej Duda signed an amendment to the act on the protection of the Polish state border. According to the official justification for introducing the new law, "it is intended to increase the effectiveness of actions taken by the Border Guard to protect the state border of the Republic of Poland in the event of a threat to state security or public order, and to improve the safety of Border Guard officers carrying out tasks related to the protection of the state border ". more>> |
16.11.21 Greece: Fiasco of Food Provision and Cash Assistance Program. At the beginning of October 2021, the UNHCR handed over the cash assistance component of the Emergency Support to Integration and Accommodation (ESTIA) scheme to Greek authorities. The handover quickly fell apart, while a parallel decision to discontinue financial support and food distribution to people who have completed the asylum procedure left many without support. more>> |
10.11.21 Greece: Pushback Claims Probed without Independent Bodies, Pushbacks Continue as Reports of Refoulement from Turkey Emerge. The Greek government is considering tasking a transparency body with pushback investigations without including representatives of independent bodies or organisations. Systematic pushbacks from Greece continue as do reports of refoulement from Turkey. 26 NGOs urge Greek authorities to “disburse belated payments of cash assistance and ensure food provision” to deprived asylum seekers and refugees. more>> |
09.11.21 Poland: Border security strengthened as migrants head from Belarus. An appeal to domestic and international institutions published by NGO “Border Group” more>> |
08.11.21 Asylum in Poland: the government restricts access to asylum and legalizes push-backs. The access to asylum procedure in Poland becomes more and more limited. Since the august 2021, the Border Guards deny to accept asylum claims. more>> |
08.11.21 Poland, Latvia, Lithuania: Life’s Threatening Situation on EU Eastern Borders, Thousands Protest Pushbacks. Dangerous conditions for people trapped along the Polish eastern border have cost the eighth life since the political stalemate with Belarus started in August. Protesters continue to rally in Warsaw against violent pushbacks by Polish officials, however still, Poland, Latvia and Lithuania continue to deploy military and strengthen their borders with Belarus. While states of emergency impede any humanitarian assistance to be available, local communities and NGOs are striving to fill in the gap. more>> |
06.11.21 Problematic aspects of the access to education for the refugee population in Greece. Six years after the onset of the "refugee crisis", the right to education may in theory be self-evident, yet in reality the refugee population's access to education is more questionable than ever, for both minors and young adults. In addition to the obstacles posed by local communities (such as the children of Ritsona who were not allowed to enter schools with the support of the municipal authority last year), bureaucracy is the biggest obstacle to the access of refugees to the educational system. more>> |
05.11.21 Bulgaria: Asylum seekers and refugees face numerous issues with using financial services. The report "Access to financial services of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in Bulgaria" has been commissioned by UNHCR to address the numerous reported issues with these services in the country. Financial services are essential in the 21st century, however, asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in Bulgaria have been facing an increasing number of challenges in that respect in recent years. more>> |
02.11.21 Recent statistics on applications for international protection in Poland. According to the information of the Office for Foreigners, the number of people applying for international protection in Poland has significantly increased during the period between January 1 and October 3, 2021. more>> |
12.10.21 Refugee children’s lack of access to the educational system. On 13th September, 2021, Human Rights Watch issued a press release according to which the Greek government should urgently reform discriminatory policies so that children seeking asylum can go to school during the school year of 2021-2022. According to the data presented by this international human rights organization, only one in seven children living in camps was able to attend school in the last school year (2020-2021), and the authorities should immediately hire teachers, arrange school transportation and remove measures that block asylum-seeking children from school under the pretext of the Covid-19 pandemic. more>> |
11.10.21 Bulgaria: The Rise of Pushbacks as Increasing Border Protection is discussed. Bulgarian government has been discussing the plans of strengthening the police forces at borders with Greece and Turkey, in relation to the relatively increased numbers of migrants taking the attempts to cross them. Since the beginning of 2021, over 1,000 pushbacks were documented, affecting at least 13,000 people. more>> |
07.10.21 Pushbacks on Polish-Belarus border. Polish Border Guards push asylum seekers back into Belarus without considering their claims for international protection. Groups of women, men, families with children from Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Kongo have been blocked between Poland and Belarus without any access to humanitarian aid and medical assistance. Despite the humanitarian crisis, multiply illegal pushbacks take place every day. Journalists, layers and activist collect evidences and accuse Poland of violation of the European and International law. more>> |
16.09.21 Romania: a new National Strategy on Immigration finally adopted. On 2 September 2021, the Government of Romania enacted a new National Strategy on Immigration, covering the period of 2021-2024. The previous strategy ended in 2018. Without a top policy document, the coordination between various public institutions was defective, impacting mostly the integration component. The poor coordination and the lack of implication from certain public authorities were among the structural faults underlined by the NIEM reports in Romania. more>> |
15.09.21 International protection in Poland: the first half of 2021. According to the information of the Office for Foreigners, 1678 people lodged applications for international protection during the first half of 2021. The main group of migrants seeking protection in Poland were citizens of Belarus, Russia Federation and Afghanistan. more>> |
14.09.21 Refugees and housing: law and reality. With the drama in Afghanistan, the refugees issue has returned to the headlines. And perhaps it is time to remember that, with their gradual arrival, and in a changing context, the member states of the European Union have been applying integration policies with unequal results in which one can see a large gap between what the law says and what is applied afterwards. more>> |
09.09.21 Serious violations of human rights and access to healthcare for new arrivals of asylum seekers on Lesvos island in 2021. During 2021, Greek and foreign human rights organisations witnessed severe violations of asylum seekers’ rights in the field of healthcare, even though civil society has repeatedly urged EU and Greek authorities to ensure a dignified and appropriate response for the prevention and control of the COVID-19 outbreak, including the cooperation with the foreigner communities on the Greek islands more>> |
26.08.21. Polish-Belarusian Border: Asylum Seekers Stranded in Limbo. From the beginning of 2021, the officers from the Podlasie Border Guard Unit detained 871 people for unauthorized crossing of the Polish-Belarusian border (as per information dated on 9th of August). On the 4th of August alone, 62 people were detained for crossing the Polish-Belarusian border. more>> |
21.07.21. EASO Asylum Report 2021: COVID-19 exposes strengths and weaknesses of EU asylum systems. On 29 June 2021, EASO published its Asylum Report 2021, which describes the situation and latest trends of asylum in the EU in 2020. The report provides that five countries (Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and Myanmar) account for two-thirds of the world’s refugee population. more>> |
20.07.21. Greece: A new report by Amnesty International Condemning Systematic Pushbacks. A report published by the human rights group condemns Greece for violently and illegally detaining refugees and migrants before pushing them back to Turkish territory, in contravention of human rights obligations under international and European Union law. more>> |
17.06.21. World Refugee Day - A Hope for Solidarity: Asylum Seekers and Vaccination Campaigns in the EU. Since World Health Day on April 7th, equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines has been a cornerstone of the UNHCR’s call for solidarity with refugees and migrants. Ensuring the rights of all people regardless of their circumstance or country of origin, especially in the midst of a global pandemic, means ensuring equitable access to essential healthcare as a public good. more>> |
11.06.21. Legislative changes in the awarding of Greek citizenship render the social integration of refugees even more difficult. On Thursday, April 22, six months after the adoption of Law 4735/2020 which introduced changes to the system for awarding Greek citizenship, a very important Decision by the Ministry of Interior was published in the Government's Gazette more>> |
09.06.21. The National Strategy on Migration of the Republic of Bulgaria 2021-2021. In March 2021, Bulgaria adopted its new national strategy in the field of migration management: the National Strategy on Migration of the Republic of Bulgaria 2021-2025. more>> |
26.05.21. Syrian reporters have started Spain’s first refugee-led news site. Baynana, meaning ‘between us’ in Arabic strives to prove useful and important information to the Arabic-speaking community in Spain, while building bridges between migrants, refugees, Spanish people of foreign origin, and the rest of society. more>> |
24.05.2021. Germany: Higher Administrative Court revokes the return of beneficiaries of international protection to Greece. On 19 April 2021, the Higher Administrative Court of in Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, ruled that two Syrian refugees entitled to international protection in Greece cannot be returned to Greece from Germany. The Court indicated that the human rights of the women could be jeopardized if they were deported to Greece. more>> |
21.05.2021. Denmark has revoked residency from Syrian refugees, as they have deemed Syria ‘safe’ for return. This controversial decision has raised domestic and international criticism. Denmark has begun revoking residency permits for refugees from Syria. A decade after the fighting in Syria that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced even more of the population started, the Danish government has decided that Damascus and neighbouring regions are now ‘safe to return to’. They are the first European country to come to this conclusion. more>> |
20.05.2021. Recent investigations have linked EU border agency Frontex to illegal action resulting in the inhumane treatment and deaths of thousands of asylum seekers. Reports allege that Frontex engaged in misconduct and unlawful operations including violence and mistreatment during detention and transport aimed at preventing asylum seekers from reaching EU countries. more>> |
18.05.2021. Violations of the right of refugees to education. A research of the Greek Ombudsman published on April 22, 2021 found serious violations of the basic rights of refugee children in education. This was found to be due to delays in individual procedures, inaction of the administration (especially in centers of reception and identification called KYT), understaffing (in reception classes, Reception Structures and Refugee Education, etc.), problems in the transfer of students, issues of structures due to pandemic, lack of places in schools, and the untimely creation of new ones. The Ombudsman this year collected data from all refugee mass accommodation structures operating under the supervision of the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum regarding the inclusion of children on the move (accompanied or unaccompanied) in schooling. more>> |
26.04.2021. On World Health Day, the UNHCR called for equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines for refugees. Policy action to ensure availability of vaccines for refugees and migrants throughout the EU has been inconsistent. more>> |
09.04.2021 New EU-Afghanistan Joint Declaration on Migration. A renewed document called the 'Joint Declaration on Migration Cooperation between Afghanistan and the EU' will shortly be approved by the Council of the EU. The aim of this document is to facilitate and increase deportations from EU member states to Afghanistan, despite a growing security threat to civilians in the country. The ongoing deportations from the EU member states, which have been conducted from 2016, have already been strongly criticised by the human rights NGOs, which continue to voice their concerns on the continuous security threat for the Afghan returnees. more>> |
08.04.2021 Kantar survey for UNHCR: Majority of Poles now in favour of accepting refugees A majority of Poles declares a favourable attitude towards accepting refugees in the country, according to a recent survey conducted by Kantar for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in January 2021. According to the latest research, the vast majority of Poles are convinced that refugees should be supported, and they are ready to provide the help needed to do so. As many as 77% of the respondents agreed with the statement that Poland should support those who are forced to flee their country. more>> |
06.04.2021 Spain: Supreme Court confirms the right to free movement of asylum seekers throughout national territory. On 10 February 2021, the Chamber of Contentious-Administrative Proceedings of the Supreme Court of Spain issued its judgment, validating the right of asylum seekers to move freely throughout the national territory. more>> |
01.04.2021 The Italian 2020 reform of the reception system. At the end of 2020, Italy enacted the Law 173/2020 (which converted the Law Decree 130/2020) and introduced amendments to the Security Decrees n. 113 of 2018 and n. 53 of 2019. more>> |
09.03.2021 Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be responsible for visa applications Amendment to the Act on Foreigners (Journal of Laws 2020, item 35) provides a solution to shorten and facilitate national visa procedure. The novelisation came into force on 9 February 2021. According to the information from the official website of the Spokesman for small and medium-sized enterprises, the necessity to shorten visa procedures was raised by entrepreneurs in Poland. more >> |
11.02.2021 Common position of V4 countries, Estonia and Slovenia on The New Pact on Migration and Asylum. In December 2020, the Polish Minister of Interior together with his counterparts in V4 countries, Estonia and Slovenia signed a common position on the EU’s proposal of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. more>> |
01.02.20 International protection in Poland: 2020 overview Looking back at 2020 we can find out that there were two main tendencies that characterised migration trends to Poland. On the one hand, in 2020 number of people, non-EU citizens, who decided to settle down in Poland increased and statistics of various institutions (Office for Foreigners (UdSC), Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or Central Statistical Office (GUS)) were dominated by economic migration. According to the Office for Foreigners, 281,000 applications for residence permits (+ 12% compared to 2019) were submitted by non-EU citizens during 2020. more>> |
21.01.2021 Poland: New Migration Policy Document Announced. The Interministerial Migration Policy Team has recently published a document “Polish Migration Policy – Baseline Analysis” (“Polityka migracyjna Polski – diagnoza stanu wyjściowego”), which provides a description of the current state of affairs and aims to point in the direction of the new Polish migration policy. more>> |
20.01.2021 Poland revises the Social Assistance Act. In 2020 the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in Poland proposed a draft amendment to the Social Assistance Act (Journal of Laws of 2020 item 1876). The legal act, among other things, regulates the Individual Integration Programmes (IPI), assistance programme for recognised refugees, people granted subsidiary protection and their families in Poland. more>> |
07.01.2021 Humans in the Loop (HITL) which employs asylum-seekers and refugees won the national prize for Employment-Related Social Innovation more>> |
17.12.2020 Four areas of integration: EU Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027) On the 24 November 2020, the European Commission has released Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion (2021-2027). more>> |
16.12.2020 Awareness among Bulgarians about refugee-related issues decreases significantly, a new study shows Awareness about refugees is very low and decreases further over the years. This is one of the main findings presented by UNHCR Bulgaria in their latest study on public opinions on refugee-related issues published on 11 November 2020. more>> |
15.12.2020 Poland: Access to the labour market for holders of humanitarian visas The amendment of the Act of 28th October 2020 on Foreigners facilitates the access to the labour market for some groups of migrants. According to the novelisation, migrants with humanitarian visas or with “Poland. Business Harbour” annotation on visas can work legally with no additional permits. The Act of 28th October of 2020 amending the Act on Foreigners entered into force on 1st December 2020. more>> |
27.11.2020 Awareness of refugee men of human rights Peace Institute (Slovenia) conducted a focus group discussion with eight male beneficiaries of international protection who live in Slovenia for at least four years or more. The topic of focus group discussion was refugee experience with integration in Slovenia and the obstacles they are dealing with. more>> |
14.10.2020 The influence of Covid-19 pandemic and preventive measures on lives of refugees in Slovenia. In the light of the global Covid-19 pandemic on March 12 2020 the epidemic was declared also in Slovenia. From that day on, several measures have been adopted on the state level to prevent further spread of the virus. In June and July 2020 we have conducted 45 interviews with refugees and asylum seekers, asking them about how these measures have influenced their lives. more>> |
14.10.2020 Preliminary remarks on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. The European Commission launched the New Pact on Migration and Asylum on 23/09. Its complexity, which reflects the complexity of migration, allows for multiple considerations. more>> |
08.10.2020 ISMU comments the new Pact on Migration and Asylum On 23th September the European Commission presented the highly anticipated New Pact on Migration and Asylum, a reform package that changes and integrates most of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) by introducing new mechanisms. more>> |
07.10.2020 Comments on the New Immigration and Asylum Pact of the European Union on behalf of “ANTIGONE" The changes proposed by the new Immigration and Asylum Pact of the European Union (EU) are likely to lead to a recycling of existing EU policy deadlocks, as they are moving towards an institutional ratification of the EU increasingly restrictive policies. more>> |
17.09.2020 Outsourcing asylum: the Danish government suggestion for the new EU asylum pact? European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen announced that the EU's new pact on migration and asylum will be unveiled on 23th of September. According to Politico, the Commission previously planned to unveil the document on September 30, but the work on a long-delayed plan were intensified after the tragedy in Moria camp in Greece. The Danish government states for a new approach on migration to Europe outsourcing asylum and preventing people form entering Europe. more>> |
16.09.2020 The Institute of Public Affairs in Warsaw supports the Appeal to the Polish Authorities to evacuate children from the Moria camp initiated by the Polish Migration Forum Foundation. Together with other humans rights and migrant organisations in Poland we demand the authorities to take responsibility and immediately admit unaccompanied migrants from the Moria camp. more>>> |
15.09.2020 Moria fire: Call for urgent evacuation and radical change On September 8 the fire broke out at Moira camp and destroyed the biggest camp in Europe, leaving over 12,000 people without any shelter. The scale of human tragedy in Moria camp unveiled the insufficiency of the EU and national asylum policies, highlighted political crisis, divisions and reluctance in asylum responsibility sharing within the EU member states. We strongly believe that it is a time for a change and urgent turn in migration and asylum policies towards new standards and attitudes that will respect human rights and dignity, ensure safety and improve reception and asylum mechanisms. more>> |
15.09.2020 Briefing on the situation in Moria camp after the recent developments Just after midnight, on September 8 the fire broke out at Moira camp and destroyed the biggest camp in Europe. New blazes continue to hit facilities while thousands of people are forced to sleep under improvised shelters in surrounding areas. more>> |
03.09.2020 Poland elaborates mechanism of temporary protection for people from Belarus In Belarus mass protests continue since the 9 August presidential election. Tens of thousands of demonstrators take to the streets while media report dozens of people arrested and detained. Following the escalation of the political crisis in the neighbourhood country Poland declare willingness to provide support and reception to repressed Belarussians. The Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki introduced a 5-point aid plan "Solidarity With Belarus”. more>> |
01.09.2020 Poland simplified visa procedures for citizens of Belarus The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has decided to reopen embassy, consulates, and visa centres in Belarus in response to the political turmoil and violent reaction of national authorities on protests all over the country. more>> |
31.08.2020 Italy is expected to improve hosting system for asylum seekers After submitting asylum application the person enters the first phase of her or his life on a new place full of uncertainties and challenges related to long-lasting administrative procedure, facing difficulties related to inability to work and meet basic needs, ensure appropriate housing nad heath care for themselves and family members. more>> |
27.08.2020 Step forward in asylum procedure for women asylum-seekers from Chechnya The Viovidship Administrative Court stated in judgement that the Council for Refugee Affairs is responsible for examination of the situation of women in the country of origin in the context of the risk of being victims of domestic violence. more>>> |
27.08.2020 Italy: Excluding asylum seekers from civil registration is irrational and unconstitutional Italian Constitutional Court stated that excluding asylum seekers from civil registration in the Italian Registry Office is constitutionally illegitimate and violates the principal of “equal social dignity”. more>> |
27.08.2020 Handcrafting: employment, art and therapy According to the newest report of the international research project NIEM (The National Integration Evaluation Mechanism ) vocational training presents one of the diverse dimensions of effective and long-term integration of beneficiaries of international protection in a new environment. more>>> |
26.08.2020 Security of European shores for the price of human lives While EU member states and EU institutions are divided, can not elaborate any effective solutions to face the humanitarian crisis and are unable to eliminate tragic consequences of desperate journeys and protect human lives, the international community witnesses multiply deaths and tragic accidents on various migration routs to the EU. more>>> |
25.08.2020 COVID-19 pandemic and the situation of refugees and asylum seekers in Poland: overview of challenges based on the case of Warsaw and Warsaw metropolitan area In the case of refugees - as in the case of other socially vulnerable groups – the coronavirus pandemic highlighted lack of actions and processes neglected by central and local institutions in Poland. The text sums up main difficulties and challenges that asylum seekers and refugees experienced due to pandemic and introduction of anti-pandemic measurements in Poland, especially in the capital city Warsaw. more>>> |
24.08.2020 Migration after BREXIT How will the future British migration policy affect asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants? The transition period for the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, commonly known as BREXIT, will end on December 31st, 2020. The British Home Office has already published a new policy regarding migration to the UK as this topic was one of the most influential to the debate around leaving the EU. A new points-based program and the enforcement of UK external borders shall limit migration and especially stop the entry of refugees and asylum seekers over the English Channel. more>>> |
19.08.2020 Lithuania express willingness to grant protection to Belarusian citizens Although the national external borders remain closed due to anti-covid measures Lithuania express willingness to grant protection to Belarusian citizens in relation to the political turmoil in the neighbourhood country. more>> |
19.08.2020 The ECHR ruled: the Polish border guards violated the right to asylum procedure The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Polish border guards violated several articles of the European Convention on Human Rights by repeatedly sending asylum seekers back to Belarus in 2017.more>> |
18. 08.2020 International protection in Poland: 1st half of 2020 The Office For Foreigners (UDSC abbreviation in polish) summed up the first half od 2020. The newest data confirm that the national authorities maintain unfavourable environment for asylum seekers. more>> |
18.08.2020 COVID-19 hamper relocations - authorities refused relocation of a Syrian family to Lithuania. Lithuania's cabinet of ministers blocked the resettlement of a Syrian family to the country, quoting COVID-19 risks. At the same time, it has allowing several third-country basketball teams to enter the country for training camps. more>> |
17.08.2020 People remain stranded in overcrowded camps in Greece as relocations and transfers slow down. National authorities revoke repatriations Official figures confirmed that there are currently almost 100,000 asylum applications pending in Greece. The UNHCR released the newest data, that around 120,000 asylum seekers (39,700 people on the islands and 80,300 on the mainland) are currently stay in Greece. The findings shows that the majority of asylum seekers comes from Afghanistan and Syria.more>> |
10.08.2020 The European benchmark for refugee integration: Are EU countries improving their policies? Findings of the new NIEM report The new NIEM Comprehensive European Report has assessed the refugee integration framework of 14 EU member states as of 2019, using 120 indicators and scoring country results on a scale from 0 to 100. In a Q&A with the coordinating researchers of the project, Carmine Conte and Alexander Wolffhardt from the Migration Policy Group explain the key lessons from the first evaluation study. more>> |
4.08.2020 COVID-19 and its effects on refugees and asylums seekers How will the Virus affect future European migration and asylum policy? The outbreak of the novel COVID-19 virus has quickly escalated into a global pandemic, resulting in crisis that affects people worldwide. The measures taken by States and State actors heavily implicated restrictions on individual mobility and basic rights. The vulnerability of certain groups and the overcoming of the global crisis are the justification of such measures, but how do these policies affect refugees and asylum seekers? And even more so, how do these steps shape future migration and asylum policies more>> |
3.08.2020 Parliament approved an amendment to Portugal’s ‘’Law on Nationality’’. New regulation provides easier access to citizenship for children (born in Portugal) of migrants who have held a residence permit and lived in Portugal for a year. more>>. |
2.08.2020 Romania: draft National Strategy on Immigration under public debate In Romania, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) has put in public consultation a draft of the National Strategy on Immigration for the period 2020-2023. It is a necessary and long awaited document. The previous national strategy was due in 2018, and since then, there is no guiding policy regarding the sector. more>>> |
16.07.20 The 1st Forum of Cross-cultural and Roma Assistants in Poland The first Forum of Cross-cultural and Roma Assistants in Poland was held (online) by the Foundation for Social Diversity (FSD) on 30th of June. Cross-cultural Assistants and Roma Assistants in schools in Poland help to overcome the greatest challenges related to education and integration in a multicultural school environment. more>>> |
15.07.2020 Refugees exposed to homelessness in Greece A new law adopted in March 2020 shortens the period for recognized refugees from six months to 30 days to make a transition from organized accommodation and basic support to an independent living. In practice, the new regulation put at risk of poverty and homelessness thousands of people, pushed refugees again on the edge of uncertainties and fear about their lives. more>>> |
13.07.2020 Germany stands for reforming EU migration and asylum policy The German presidency of the Council of the European Union from the 1st of July to the 31st of December seems to be overshadowedby the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, which affects every corner of daily political and social life. The question comes to mind whether the presidency will focus solely on resolving the crisis, or if Germany can use its presidency to implement the rightsteps needed in urging matters regarding the European Union. more>>> |
12.07.2020 Germany leads the work on the reform the Common European Asylum System In Autumn 2019 Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson and Vice-President Margaritis Schinas delared the one of priorities for the European Commission would be the intensive work on sufficient solutions on European migration and asylum policies. more>>> |
11.07.2020 How Eurostat will collect the data on migration? The European Council for Refugees and Exiles explains the new mechanism of collecting data by the Eurostat, as on the middle of June the European Parliament adopted the proposal on the reform of the Migration Statistics Regulation, governing the asylum and migration data supplied by Member States to Eurostat. more>>> |
9.07.2020 Hungary’s new asylum law makes it harder for people to gain protection In May 2020 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that Hungary’s measures of keeping the asylum seekers in the transit zones should be classified as a detention and were illegal. Nevertheless, the Prime ‘Minister Viktor Orban’s government continued to follow it’s extreme anti-immigrant policies. more>>> |
16.06.2020 Relocations of unaccompanied children to EU+: contribution of states, cities and civic society Since 2015, almost 1,400 unaccompanied children have been transferred from Greece to another EU+ state in aim to address overcrowding in reception centres. more>>> |
09.06.2020 Standard Minimum in Integration – the new document elaborated in Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot is the first Metropolitan Area in Poland, where the authorities presented the document which provides minimal standards for public institutions involved into multi-dimensional integration of migrants. more>>> |
08.06.20 Bulgaria: What was the anti-Covid-19 measures impact on migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers In Bulgaria the „state of emergency” ended on 13 May but it was replaced by „emergency epidemic situation” which will be in place until 14 June. What were the measures the state authorities implemented to prevent the outbreak of corona virus and how did it impact on situation ofmigrants, refugees and asylum-seekers? more>>> |
04.06.20 Anti-covid measures and employment: overview of the situation in Spain Employment is an important issue for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, in views of organising life in a new environment. The health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic over the EU members states only unveils vulnerabilities that create barriers in finding employment and make them work on unfavourable conditions and temporary contracts,or push migrants to work without contracts and no rights to social security and public benefits. more>>> |
29.05.2020 The Italian regularization of migrants The Italian agricultural sector, from May to October, makes use of seasonal migrant workers entering through the national quota system. Because of the current health emergency, this kind of regular entry system was blocked with a consequent negative impact on the primary national system. The agricultural crop could have suffered serious damage so the government decided to regularize foreign workers already in Italy without a residence permit. more>> |
28.05.2020 State of emergency in Spain: how the border lockdown impacts on asylum seekers and migrants In response to the coronavirus outbreak the Spanish government introduced a state of emergency on March, 14th. The Royal Decree came into force the next day. On March, 16th Spain close its borders and the Government posed restrictions on travel for third-country nationals. Although the new regulation did not suspend the right to asylum, the number of asylum applications has dropped significantly. From the 9th to the 15th of March 3,800 applications were filed, whilst the third week of March after the beginning of the quarantine only 25 were registered. more>>> |
28.05.2020 State of emergency in Hungary Amid coronavirus pandemic, on 11th March, 2020, the Government of Hungary declared the state of emergency , what empowers the government to adopt decisions that deviate from the legislation and provide only measures that are necessary to fight the COVID-19 outbreak. On 30 March 2020, the Hungarian Parliament adopted a “coronavirus law” and empowered the government to continue its emergency operation for an undetermined period. more>>> |
11.05.2020 International protection in Poland: 1st quarter of 2020 The Office for Foreigners shared the newest data on the international protection in Poland. There were 899 applicants for international protection, including 567 first-time claims, in the 1st quarter of 2020. This represents a 6% decrease in the number of asylum applications compared to the same period a year ago. People with Russian (594), Ukrainian (66), Tajik (53), Georgian (27) and Turkish (24) citizenships lodged the most of all applications. more>>> |
21.04.2020 Challenging period for Slovenia: coronavirus outbreak and the new right-wing government Slovenia is the first state to declare the end of the COVID-19 epidemic within its territory. Nevertheless, it remain to be a challenging period for the country. Slovenia faced not only coronavirus threat but also further-reaching political changes as soon as the right-wing conservative opposition formed the new government. more>>> |
25.04.2020 COVID-19 outbreaks in Greek refugee camps NGOs raise concerns about the dramatic sanitation condition in overcrowded migrants camps on five Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. Currently more than 34,875 migrants, refugees and asylum seekers stay in camps on islands of Chios, Kos, Leros, Lesvos, and Samos.more>>> |
25.04.2020 COVID-19 in Greece: How the government manages access to asylum in time of pandemic In response to the Corona virus COVID-19 the Greek government through acts of legislative content and ministerial acts has gradually provided restrictions since the end of February 2020 more>> |
23.04.2020 Poland: Deportations continued despite the nationwide lockdown In response to coronavirus outbreak EU member states provided restrictive measures to limit migration. In March EU leaders confirmed the closure of the EU’s external and Schengen borders and banned "non-essential" travel to the bloc. Restrictions aimed to tackle the Coronavirus public health crisis put under the question the right to asylum in some member states. more>>> |
21.04.2020 The Austrian Ministry of the Interior introduce measures to suspend access to the asylum procedures for the people seeking protection in Austria. more>> |
Lithuania: how the nationwide quarantine impact on refugees and migrants Amidst the coronavirus epidemic, the Lithuanian government has announced a nationwide quarantine which came into effect on 16th of March. The measures include closing state borders, educational institutions, client-servicing businesses, bars, restaurants and shops, excluding groceries and pharmacies. more>>> |
Romania: supporting migrants in times of pandemic Refugees and beneficiaries of international protection are among the most vulnerable groups facing the Covid-19 outbreak. In Romania, civil society organizations continue to work with the state, and pressuring the state, to provide the necessary supports to the migrants. more>>> |
Access to the labour market for asylum applicants in Belgium As EU countries have implemented preventive restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic and frizzed travels and border crossing, some of the members states share concerns regarding the crisis in the agri-food sector. more>>> |
Anti-crisis shield act 2.0 extends all types of residency in Poland Spokesman for the Office for Foreigners Jakub Dudziak has announced that, the novelization of the project Anti-crisis Shield Act 2.0 contains solutions that will allow to extend all types of residency, which would expire during the epidemic, including the stay in Poland on the basis of visa-free travel or Schengen visas also issued by the other EU Member State or long-term visa issued by another European Union Member State other than a Schengen State more>>> |
09.04.2020 How quarantine measures regulate migration in Italy? The key measures aimed to face challenges brought by the COVID-19 in Italy have been provided through different ministerial acts from the end of February. On the 4th of March the epidemiological state and mandatory lockdown was declared at the national level. |
07.04.2020 Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic “failed to fulfill their obligations under European Union law” – the ECJ ruled The European Court of Justice statedMarch 2nd, 2020 that three EU member states – the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary - have broke EU law by refusing to uphold their obligations regarding the relocation and resettlement scheme of forced migrants stuck in Italy and Greece more>>> |
26.02.20 Spain: Reform proposal of the Asylum Law in Spain what is proposed? Pushed by challenges related to migration management and reception procedures, the Spanish government is working on a proposal for the reform of asylum law. The European Council on Refugees and Exiles comments the propositions of novelization. more>>> |
24.02.20 Belgium: Minister of Asylum and Migration Maggie announced two new measures intended to restrain reception of asylum seekers who have bypassed EU asylum rules. more >>> |
06.12.19 Romania: new legislation is expected to strengthen the policy framework for migrants’ integration. The Romanian Parliament has recently passed legislation aiming at improving the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in the Romanian society. By amending the national legislation on social inclusion of migrants, the Parliament is introducing stronger instruments for cooperation between central and local governments, and the civil society organizations. Access to education and housing are among the areas expected to improve. The new legislation is expected to strengthen the policy framework for migrant’s integration, an area previously shown as week by the NIEM evaluation tool. more>>> |
20.11.19 Poland: Diverse possibilities with some implementation troubles - refugee and migrant children support in Polish education system. Although the national legislation guarantees the children who are not Polish citizens the equal access to education and care in public kindergartens and primary schools and junior high schools on the same basis as Polish citizens, do the children with refugee background fully benefit from this right? more>>> |
20.11.19 France: Government anno |