Standard Minimum in Integration – the new document elaborated in Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area
Gdańsk-Gdynia-Sopot is the first Metropolitan Area in Poland, where the authorities presented the document which provides minimal standards for public institutions involved into multi-dimensional integration of migrants.
The initiative was elaborated by 56 local governments. The document called the Standard Minimum in Integration provides a four-steps strategy for public institutions in aim to eliminate procedural and language barriers for integration on various levels and prepare public institutions to provide services and assistance adapted to the needs of migrants. One of goals of the initiative is to create poviat (district) migration units to monitor issues related to adaptation and settlement of migrants in the area. Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, the mayor of the city of Gdańsk, highlighted that the main aim for municipalities is to ensure the equal access for all residents to public services as Citizens' Service Departments, healthcare and education institutions.The document assume that municipalities will be ready to implement the first phase in January 2021. During the first phase local authorities will focus on:
• preparing schools for education of children with migration experience;
• providing language courses for adults;
• providing Citizens' Service Departments and Information Offices with materials in different languages;
• insuring safety and access of migrants to legal assistance and support;
The second phase foreshow socio-economic aspects of integration and will include career counselling and professional training, cultural exchange and social communication. The third phase provides i.e. the employment of educational assistants by schools and raising competences of Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling Centre in aim to ensure sufficient support to people with migration experience. During the last phase, the poviat migration units will be asked to elaborate politics, programs and projects that will lift barriers in access to public survives and equal treatment for all residents.
Kseniya Homel
The European and Migration Policy Programme
Institute of Public Affairs
Standard Minimum w Integracji imigrantów w 56 samorządach metropolii [19.05.2020].