The “Evaluation 2” stage of the project is approaching!
On 6 November 2020 the NIEM partnership gathered online to discuss the timeline and methodology of upcoming round of evaluation.
Participants from 13 European states shared experience from previous stages of the project and considered how to maximise the involvement of beneficiaries of international protection on the research and advocacy activities and enhance cooperation with stakeholders involved in integration policies on the different levels of policy-making and policy-implementation processes. Some partners presented inspiring examples of establishing advisory boards with activists and leaders of migrant and refugee communities as members. Such initiatives aim to improve the participation and influence of beneficiaries of international protection in public sector.Within the NIEM project researches provide a comprehensive evaluation of various dimensions of integration of asylum seekers, refugees and people with other forms of protection. The study allows to identify gaps in integration standards, find out promising practices and evaluate the effects of legislative and policy changes.