Towards the new impetus. Meeting of the Polish Coalition working in the area of migration and asylum
“The NIEM project has enormous potential to bring positive change to the process of integration of asylum seekers in European countries, but to achieve their full potential, the project’s activities have to be accurately tailored to different national contexts” states one of the main conclusions of the NIEM Polish coalition meeting that took place on 13 November in Warsaw.
The meeting “Towards the new impetus. Meeting of the Polish Coalition working in the area of migration and asylum” gathered a narrow group of Polish participants representing IPA, University of Warsaw, UNHCR Poland and the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy and was designed as a discussion to evaluate current activities within the project, and to plan its future. Special attention was given to strategic planning of advocacy activities.
It was emphasised that promotion of the project’s results vis-a-vis various target groups, such as officials, experts, ordinary citizens and in social media has to be adjusted to the local context. The question of how to reach different audiences with positive information, having in mind that both citizens and officials see the discussion on asylum and integration mechanisms differently in different countries, was an integral part of the meeting.
The steps envisaged for 2018 also include broadening and strengthening the Polish coalition and developing more effective cooperation between national coalitions from all countries included in the project.